
How Do You Choose the Right Music for a Funeral?

Music is one of the most remembered parts of a Funeral Ceremony and something that will form a lasting reminder, especially for Celebrant led funerals where traditional hymns are most often replaced by pieces that have much more meaning to the deceased and their families. But, how do you choose the right music?

How Do You Choose the Right Music for a Funeral? Read More »

‘If only’ Inspiring Words From Funeral Celebrant, Denise

If only …… Throughout our lives we all experience loss, both of those very close to us or a distant relative or acquaintance. And with these losses we will attend funerals and memorials, and boy can these differ !! I know I have attended funerals of family and friends and been shocked at the, lack

‘If only’ Inspiring Words From Funeral Celebrant, Denise Read More »

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